Dua of Safe Travel

Dua of Safe Travel from Hadith - cover

Travel is a common practice in ancient times and today’s world, although the dynamics of new-age travel are almost completely different than in the past. One thing that was always desirable for travelers was safety. Let us learn today the beautiful protective dua words for safar/ travel which give us the absolute power of ALLAH’s care in our every step of travel.

Dua of Safe Travel from Hadith - hadith quote

We are looking a little deeper at the words of this perfect dua that most of us recite in our daily routine when we leave home for work or studies or with any aim. When we sit in our mode of transport, let’s say our car or bus or train, and be comfortable in it, at that moment, this dua is a must thing to read. Keeping it in our daily routine ensures that ALLAH’s safety and care are with us.

Dua of Safe Travel from Hadith - subhan al ladi sakhara lana hada wa ma kunna lahu muqrineena - arabic with english and urdu translation

This dua after tasbeeh of our Rab takes us to the detailed request of safety and favors from our loving and caring ALLAH. The biggest of His favor is to ‘be with us’ in whatever adventures and aims we have in travel and to ease us with His support.

Finally, The most favorite part is the short and lovely dua of returning home. It shows the comfortable feelings of returning home and saying our glorifying words for ALLAH to accompany and protect us throughout the travel. It is partially a note of thanks to ALLAH and partially shows excitement to reach back within the family in ALLAH’s safety.


Istikhara - The 1:1 Guidance Session


Prophet's ﷺ Zikr for Leaving Home