Beautiful Dua for Strength and Goodness
This Dua from Hasan Hadith reached us from Prophet Mohammed ﷺ, it has a wonderful and enriched layout. It is combining many prayers in one collective dua, like:
1- Strength in our conduct.
2- Wisdom of Identifying and standing with the right side.
3- Shukr for the blessing of ALLAH.
4- Beautifying our serving towards ALLAH.
5- A healthy heart (is clean of hatred and grudges).
6- The true tongue (in all good and bad times).
7- Getting goodness and refuge from evil, what ALLAH knows. (and He knows everything very accurately).
8- Forgiveness for what ALLAH knows. (and He knows everything very accurately).
9- Declaration of ALLAH's knowledge for seen and unseen all perfectly.
Let us learn and remember this dua for seeking ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala all these valuable blessings. May ALLAH accept from us. (aameen).