The Little Supporting Hands

The difficulties of Fatimah and the family continued and even became worse.

story of little fatima part2

In the seventh year of RasulALLAH (saww) mission, they were forced to leave homes and seek refuge in a little valley enclosed by hills on all sides, with only entry from Makkah by a narrow path.

The Quraysh allowed no food and contact with the Muslims.

The wailing of hungry children and women in the valley could be heard from Makkah. This boycott lasted for three year.

Fatimah was one of the youngest members-just about twelve years old and had to undergo such hardship.

When it was lifted, the Fatimah had to face a more greater trial, Khadijah-the strong mother, died shortly afterwards. The biggest lost for young Fatimah, she was greatly distressed by mother's death. She wept bitterly and was so grief-stricken that her health deteriorated.

Sooner, Fatimah realized that she now had a greater responsibility.

With loving tenderness, she devoted herself for looking after the beloved father, to an extent that people called her "Umme Abi-ha" (mother of her father).

kindness with parents, story of little fatimah part2

617 (5 BH) Meccan boycott of the Hashemites-“The History of al-Tabari (Ta’rikh al-rusul wa’l muluk). Volume VI: Muhammad at Mecca.


The Little Supporting Hands