The Little Supporting Hands

Fatimah was the youngest daughter of her outstanding family. They live in Makkah. She was born at a time when her noble father spends time in mountains near to city, thinking about mysteries of universe and the One who created it.

When she was five, her loving mother explained to Fatimah that her father is Rasul Allah( saww) and also about his new duties. She was very close to her father like all daughters.

story of little fatima part1

One day, when she was not yet ten, she accompanied her father to the Masjid al-Haram. He began to pray. A group of their tribe men gathered around him.

A person from them, came with the waste from slaughtered camel and threw it on the back & shoulders of the Prophet (saww), while he was performing sajdah. He was unable to change position due to the heavy weight.

Imagine the feelings of little Fatimah. What could a little girl do? She went to her father and removed that garbage by her little hands, with tears in her eyes, then stood firmly before the thugs and lashed out against them, until her father completed his prayer.

spread kindness, story of little fatima

Fatimah (ra) was the beloved daughter of Muhammad (saww) and Khadijah (ra).

Our precious deen reached to us after so much hardships this family has gone through, with brave heart and strong eeman. May ALLAH bless them.

durood for Muhammad saww

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 1, Book 9, Number-499

Story of Little Fatima

(part 2)



Yaqub Ibn Ishaq Al Kindi (9th century)


The Little Supporting Hands