Self Awareness Part ‘1’ (Raising our EQ Series)

A new topic within the psychology side of “The Stronger Momin” is starting called

“ Raising Our EQ series”.

In this series of articles, we will discuss the basics of emotional intelligence in a friendly and easy-to-understand way.

We will know how raising EQ is important to make our lives easier, more comfortable, and more successful.

We are going to find out how it is defined in our sources of guidance ie The Quran and The Sunnah of Muhammad ﷺ.

Self-awareness is gaining awareness about myself. Let’s begin this amazing journey of meeting myself with

Self-awareness is the first step in understanding emotional intelligence and all smart dealings in life.

What is that: knowing myself,

being aware of who I am?

what I feel at any specific time and matter.

How I feel around certain people and certain conditions.

Knowledge of how I react to certain circumstances and peoples’ behaviors.

And how to be better?

The positive effects of knowing myself are not limited to myself. This is the simple answer to the thought that comes to mind that self-awareness may be something leading to self-centredness or self-obsession. That is not true for sure. Self-awareness is a journey of knowledge full of satisfaction, leading to a contented person, further into a happy and contented society in a longer go.

So the story of my dear self is not starting here but coming from My Creator, My always present Rab. Every beautiful creation is recognized and known by the creator.

Who knows better about the creation than who has created? We often underestimate how deeply ALLAH knows us. ALLAH said in the Quran about His knowledge of what is even more hidden than a secret. Did we notice? How deep? It is absolutely the same for ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala: we are loud in the talk, we are whispering, or we just think it deeper in our mind’s corner. How close He is with us. and why not it will be? The soul our body carries belongs purely to ALLAH, He knows us more clearly, without confusion, than we know ourselves.

Knowing that ALLAH knows everything about us in depth is important in the journey of knowing the self. How it is related? The matter is totally relatable. Once again our beloved book helps us in understanding this equation.

So, forgetting ALLAH will make us forget ourselves. (May ALLAH never make us among those, aameen)

Going far from ALLAH will make us distant from our own souls.

Knowing ALLAH more, remembering Him, and going closer to Him will make us ……

closer to our own selves. That will make us more aware of ourselves.

Is it not the same we are looking for?

Dr. Sherri Mazin

Dr. Sherri is a brilliant scientist and research fellow in human psychology and her research is the most interesting one. “how far we can master the Present Thought”. It has a part of mindfulness relating to the present ie: ‘NOW‘ and the other part is “ The self-control of our thought”. She is writing this series of Emotional Intelligence for our intelligent readers at TLN.

Welcome Dr. Al Fardan - Looking forward: Team TLN


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