Origin of Letter “daad”
The Letter Daad ض is the unique one and only letter comes from the side of tongue
Concluding the origin group of tip of tongue, in previous group, daad is originating from whole tongue touching the roof, so that the sides of tongue touches the side teeth lines, either on one side or on both side.
Letter Daad is having a difficult origin in all the alphabets we have covered so far, please take time to practice it every day until you get it fluently, once you got it, the beauty of ض is wonderful, as we recite ضَالِّين in every prayer in last of Surah e Fatihah. (where Dau has to be prolonged for 6 harakat length as it is maddah laazim with shaddah ahead)
Good Luck practicing with ض
Happy Learning with “The Lasting Noor” :)