Make ALLAH your Best Friend

You know what’s the most beautiful part about attaching ourselves to Noor of ‘The Quran’? It is a fact that The Quran constantly reminds us that no matter what, Allah is always with us. Allah loves you the most. He is the closest to you, He can hear all our thoughts. So, talk to Him, share your secrets and wishes like He is your best friend.

You are sad because you couldn’t perform well in your school tests despite your best efforts, or you mistakenly broke your favorite toy, don’t feel sad. Allah is watching over you.

When you are sad, you become less hopeful and stop trying. Allah doesn’t want us to give up. He wants us to keep trying and He will give you the best. A sad situation is only temporary. Don’t ruin your day or your happiness with worries about the future.

Instead, be happy that ALLAH is with you, and like every best friend He will protect and guide you if you ask Him.

Noor Team Member

Dream high with keeping firm feet at the ground.

Passionate for travelling, good food and friends’ time.


Qualities of Believers to make our new target


Beauty of Trusting Allah