Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate

Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate - cover

Ar Rauf is the One who is ever-pitying and is full of kindness, where pity is considered an intensive form of mercy. His mercy is His most predominant quality.

Ra'uf رؤف comes from the root of رأف which has a meaning of compassion. Ar Ra'uf is the name of ALLAH in the Quran, and most places it is seen with the recipient of people الناس or servants العباد instead of believing servants المؤمنين. This is something so reassuring about this beautiful Name.

Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate - explanation of name

ALLAH Ar Ra'uf is full of kindness. He is not Ar Ra'uf only for the believers but for all His people. He made everyone in this world with compassion and He wishes well for each of His servants. That's why He sent the messengers and the book to guide humanity.

Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate - ayah for the name

ALLAH Ar Ra'uf bestows His blessings of wealth and provisions on everyone. Good and bad arises with the behavior of people after getting His blessings. But He doesn't stop His giving Hands away from even the humans who don't accept Him the Creator and the Rab.

Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate - hadith

This name of ALLAH is full of softness and gives us a valuable sense of relief. When we read this name we feel we are not any far from our Rab and His compassion is fully covering us in His kind cover.

The human share in this name is as beautiful as this name is. The most important is to surrender in front of our Ra'uf Rab's extreme kindness. Why does a person see any other side when we have the most Kind and ever-Merciful Rab.

Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate - the human share
Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate -human share in this name ayah

The other share is to give our kindness and support to fellow humans as ALLAH's pleasure is connected to becoming a better and kind person for others around us. This is not limited to any boundaries as our Rab is Merciful for everyone so we need to be the same. Although a special soft corner of my heart should be devoted to other believers those related to us and also those who just have a relationship of faith.

Ar Ra’uf - The Ever Compassionate - ayah of huma share no2

Malik al-Mulk - Absolute King of the Kingdom


Al Afu - The Eraser of Sins