Al Aakhir - The Last One

Al Aakhir - The Last One - cover

Al Aakhir is the One who will always remain. He is the last without any end to Him. He is the last and final destination for everyone and there is no phase of "nothingness" in His existence. He is the last and no one other than Him can be the last.

Al Aakhir - The Last One -explanation of name

He is the last and Final One to decide matters.

Also, He is the One who is with us till our last and is always there to help and support us. This guarantee we cannot get from anyone else other than Him.

Al Aakhir - The Last One - ayah

Al Aakhir is our Rab who is the One and the Only. This name reminds us of His Oneness from another beautiful angle. ALLAH is One and He is the only final authority that deserves the faith, all glory, and all praise. ALLAH says in the Quran. We don’t ask for help and forgiveness from anyone else other than Him.

Al Aakhir - The Last One - ayah donot seek another ila with Him

So the name of Al Aakhir tells us there is no ilah except ALLAH and no one else other than Him can get that status at any time. There is no end of life other than Him. There is no end of affairs other than Him. He is "the Last" and "the Final" One.

Al Aakhir - The Last One - human share in this name

Al Aakhir reminds us that we need to meet our Rab on one last day from where our new life will start. All of us should work hard to make that meeting beautiful so that our life ahead will be comfortable and peaceful. There are no decisions on that day except what ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala will do and He is the last, the final decision-maker for everyone.

This lovely dua from hadith gives us a great opportunity to ask ALLAH calling Him with His beautiful names;

Al Aakhir - The Last One - hadith page 1
Al Aakhir - The Last One - hadith page 2
Al Aakhir - The Last One - hadith page 3

Ad Dahir - The Dominant


Al Awwal - The First One